Saturday, January 12, 2008

What’s wrong with Hillary?

I keep hearing this question – from the media, pundits and Hillary supporters. And I’ll try to give my perspective, as someone not quite 45 and in the Obama camp.

It’s not that there’s anything wrong with Hillary. It’s who she associates with and what she represents. It’s her ties to Wal-Mart and her support from Rupert Murdoch – you know, of Fox News.

It’s her fundraising help from Alan Quasha, who helped bail George W. Bush’s failing oil company out by folding it into Harken Energy. She also hosted Ken Lay at the White House. You remember Ken Lay, former CEO of Enron?

It’s her ties to failed healthcare reform, NAFTA, Monica Lewinsky and impeachment proceedings. Yes, it’s her ties to Bill Clinton.

It’s her association with the Iraq War, and like George W., her inability to admit a mistake. It’s her association with the politics of “triangulation.”

It’s her association with James Carville, Bob Shrum, Terry MacAuliffe and all the other Democratic Leadership Council strategists who have consistently lost the Democrats elections with their focus on fundraising and polls over grassroots activism. They’ve got theirs; screw the rest of us. We’re simply votes to be won, not people to be served.

It’s not that there’s anything wrong with Hillary. I believe she’s a good person, very intelligent and capable. But her time is past. All her ties will lead us straight back to politics as usual.

I want a president who will lead Americans to shared sacrifice and service. Hillary, because of these associations, will only perpetuate old divisions.

If only she and Bill could see it.

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