Thursday, February 19, 2009

The House is on Fire

The house is on fire. Our U.S. economy is an inferno, loosing 20,000 jobs a day, and the Republicans want to turn off the hoses. No more government spending!

No, the house is on fire, so let it burn until it burns itself out. In fact, let’s turn off the water while a select few hoard it. Let’s give more tax cuts to corporations and the wealthy.

That’s what Republican economic ideas amount to.

Despite the historical evidence that spending programs like the New Deal put Americans back to work and helped stimulate the economy, the Republicans refused to support President Obama’s stimulus package. Instead they try to tell us the New Deal didn’t work.

And despite further historical evidence aligning tax cuts with economic growth and proving tax cuts DO NOT stimulate the economy, the Republicans continue to sing the same song they’ve sung the last eight years or longer. The average American is finally accepting reality as their jobs disappear and they face losing their homes.

While the Republican Party continues to parrot their selfish, greedy ideology, more Americans lose their jobs, their homes, their healthcare and their security. So I have a question for the remaining die-hard Republicans out there. Do you really believe these same old lines?

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