Thursday, July 1, 2010

Is the GOP – just a one-trick pony?

I am so sick of Republicans whining about the deficit and obstructing legislation designed to help their constituents.

"The only thing Republicans have opposed in this debate are job-killing taxes and adding to the national debt," said Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky in an Associated Press story June 25. "What we're not willing to do is use worthwhile programs as an excuse to burden our children and our grandchildren with an even bigger national debt than we've already got."

No, they’d rather burden our children and grandchildren with the debt from two unnecessary wars and tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.

They continue to deny our own history – when President Franklin Roosevelt responded to a similar economic crisis with government spending to provide benefits to the poor and employment to the jobless. It’s called the New Deal, and it worked.

Go look at the record of tax cuts and economic growth at the Center On Budget and Policy Priorities at: The Republicans are full of baloney. Economics is complicated, and a simple proposal like “cutting taxes and spending” is a sound bite. But apparently it’s all the GOP has.

I’m ready for them to get out of the way and let the rest of us try something new to grow our economy. All they’re proposing is more of the same. This is simply political obstruction over governing; politics over people.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Tent of Heaven

Needlework, 2010, 8" X 7 1/2"

Inspired by Psalm 19.


Needlework, 2010, 5" X 5"

The roads and terraces
sweep around the hills
and across the valleys,
the earth's folds


Needlework, 2010, 5" X 5"

Rolling between earth and sky,
thunderous clouds and arcing road
diamond-studded dusk
and fertile furrowed fields.